High-quality translations by patent attorneys.
“Patent translation, use Panwords!”
Panwords is a translation company that mainly translates patent.
Check! and entrust the patent translation to Panwords.
whether it provides correction comments with patent practice experience of various countries!
whether patent attorneys in technology field and the right language conduct the final review!
whether the quality control and follow-up system are well established!
whether the technical terminology database is well established!
whether the translation cost is reasonable compared to quality!
Patent translation by patent attorney.
Have confidence in patent translation.
Have confidence in patent translation.
Reviewed by AttorneyDifferent from ordinary translation companies, patent attorneys conduct the review.
Professional LocalizationConfident in Chinese and Taiwanese translation as a local translation company in China.
PriceGuarantee the same translation quality as the patent firm at a reasonable price. -
PunctualityCan check the translation progress in real-time; strictly observe the delivery date.
Translation Service